
What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Commercial moving? We all agree that commercial moving is tougher and riskier than home moving . Moving an office or commercial workspace is a time-consuming task and comes with its own set of challenges. Whether you are expanding, relocating to a better facility or simply moving on from your current place, office relocation is quite common but also difficult. Although it can be easy if you want to. There are some definite ways to facilitate the move, keep your employees happy and successfully move an entire office like a pro. In this blog, we will discuss some of the Do's and Don’ts of commercial moving which will help you facilitate the mover successfully. So here we begin! Let us first concentrate on what you should do while commercial moving .           Create a detailed move timeline, complete with task delegation           Make effective communication positively with your employees. Communicate with them regar

Tips on Interstate Residential Moving

A few decades ago it was very common for most people to be born in a town, to work in the same town or city nearby throughout their lives and spend their entire lives in one area. But things have drastically changed since then and today, interstate moving is a very common phenomenon for many people every few years in their lives. People move from one state to another for better job opportunities because of transfers at work or even to be closer to loved ones and move for their spouses. Interstate residential moving can be a daunting task as it is almost like moving far away to a new society and country even if it is moving within the same nation. The following are some of the tips for interstate residential moving: Tips for Interstate Residential Moving Start With a Plan Residential moving within a city can be a difficult task and moving from one state to another is a task that needs a sound plan from the start or there are things that can go wrong during the m

10 Essential International Moving Tips

Relocating from to your destination country is really an exciting moment. In this excitement, most of us neglect the important points which should be considered while relocation. Don’t worry, so have a look at the tips that will help you in making the successful move overseas. Moving abroad is not a daunting prospect, with the help of the good advisor team of victory van you can make things easily happen. They will provide you with the entire help from packing to the accommodation. Moving tips to be considered before relocation          Arrange Visas The most essential things to move internationally is Visa, as without this you cannot dwell in the country of your choice, so it is really important to organize a visa and relevant documents . Even if you’re going from your company with work permits or visas it is better to meet with an immigration office of your destination country. You can get in touch with an immigration officer by contacting the local embassy. I

Home Storage Solutions - Looking for Extra Storage Space

EXTRA STORAGE SPACE FOR YOUR HOME OR APARTMENT What do you do when you run out of space in your home or apartment? Did you know there are many home storage solutions available to you? Victory Van Corporation is a moving and storage company that has been  storing people's goods for years . Experience has helped us identify some of the  reasons why people might need short or long term storage .  Here are the most common reasons why people look for home storage.  We also provide suggestions about whether you should look for  self storage  or full-service storage.  Click below to keep reading!   IT’S OVER! MOVING & STORAGE WHEN YOUR LEASE IS UP Your lease came to an end, you sold or shut down a business, or you’ve ended a relationship. Now you have to  find a new place to live or a new business address . In the meantime,  where can you safely stash your furniture, clothing or business supplies?   SHORT TERM STORAGE Your property will be safe when you place it in

Top 10 Effective Tips To Move Your Home And Make Your Life Easier

Moving your home is a herculean task. It is very time consuming and involves a huge amount of planning. On average a U.S. family moves once every 5 years . But this can be more frequent among people working in industries where job transfer often occur.  This is perhaps one task in which you will have to opt for a home moving company service . Moving your home does not only imply moving your clothes and daily items but all the furniture, gadgets, accessories must be relocated from your current home to the new one. Most importantly, great care must be taken during the move so that none of your belongings are damaged. The sheer magnitude of the task makes it necessary to hire a home moving service . You surely don’t want to undertake all the planning and moving yourself. What about packing? What about deciding what needs to be packed? You cannot just sit idle on the couch and pray for a smooth move! You need to take charge and do as much as possible to make the process effective

The Role of An Office Relocation Company

Victory Van, a northern Virginia and metro Washington D.C. office relocation company , helps you and your business through the office relocation process. Our team works hand in hand with you to streamline your move and eliminate the uneasiness of business relocation.  At each step of the move, our office relocation team will be by your side and move your team efficiently. We are the business relocation company that not only will save you time but also save you money. You’ll never have to worry about your office move when you go with the best office relocation company – Victory Van. Our #1 mission is to help you at every step of your business move. Read on to learn about the relocation services we offer to our clients. When it comes time to move your office, restaurant, small business or large international corporation, ease your mind and allow our expert office relocation company to help your organization get settled in its new location. Whether you are relocating an office,